What does it take to be the first Trillionaire?

Currently the world's richest person Jeff Benzos is worth around $123 billion. Looks nowhere near to a trillion dollar mark, right? But this mark can be reached in the future by an industry which really hasn't started yet. 

The potential industry I'm talking about is "Asteroid mining". And according to US law, any citizen of US can own space resources. 

Let's take the example of those millions of Asteroid located between Mars and Jupiter. They are estimated together to be worth over, 650 - 750 QUINTILLION dollars. It's because many asteroids in this Asteroid belt contain important raw materials like platinum, palladium, which are extremely rare on our planet.

It was estimated that platinum mined from a small Asteroid of a few metres in width could be worth around 30-45 billion dollars. Just a single asteroid can possibly contain as much raw materials as humans have mined till now.

These asteroids could contain enormous amount of iron and nickel ore, as much as they can possibly serve the demand of iron and nickel for millions of years. 

There are asteroids which are immensely valuable, close to Earth too. If anyone could find a way to mine these asteroids, it can be a great boost to mine those in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 

But how do we mine these valuable asteroids? One idea is to simply capture the asteroid using a space vehicle, (which could be possibly done by a space organisation) and throw it near Earth's orbit in an efficient manner. From here, a way can be figured out for mining. 

And if you are a US citizen, you can take advantage of these asteroids near the Earth's orbit. No one can stop you from setting up corporations, to mine these asteroids. So the first person who can achieve this will be the first trillionaire!t

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