Science Story: What if Newton and Halley never met each other?

This is one of the most interesting stories in science. Not many of us know about the marvellous scientific chemistry between Newton and Edmond Halley. Newton is universally regarded as the best scientist in the history of science but there has always been with him this dark knight- Halley.
I'm pretty sure all of you would have heard about the Halley's Comet which visits earth once every 76 years.
Buckle up for this one!
It was none other Halley who encouraged Newton to write down his laws of Gravitation. Newton had issues with Robert Hooke for credits discovering his laws of motion and gravitation. Halley helped Newton to win his case and you all know who won!
Halley was instrumental in Newton's book- Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
Halley used Newton's laws to calculate the periodicity of Halley's comet. Halley and Newton were one of the best pairs in the history of science.
Colleague goals?
Edmond and Newton.


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