Is there Gravity in space?

Is there Gravity in space?

We all live in the Earth and are bound by its Gravitational 
force. The highest any one of can jump is 2 feet before we 
fall back.

But everyone knows that space has no gravity, and we are  
free to jump as high as we want, except of course everyone is wrong.

Space is packed with gravity. Without it there would be no 
solar systems or galaxies and all the objects would move in straight lines. But gravitational force decreases with increase in distance between the two objects.

Every object in the universe is constantly attracting every 
other object in the universe. This means that,
 YOU are applying some amount of gravitational force (however minute) on the SUN! Don’t you feel more powerful?

You may wonder how astronauts float, actually they don’t. 
They are constantly falling and they don’t have anything to stop them. This is known as ‘free falling’ where the astronauts get feeling of weightlessness but gravity is still acting on them and pulling them.



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