Is the Earth really Spherical?

Is the Earth Spherical?

This may seem like an unarguable fact. We all know from school that the earth isn’t flat.

Copernicus first said this and Magellan proved it with his first round the world trip, but is it that round in reality?

The shape of the earth is not round or spherical. It is much more precise to call the shape of the earth as geoid i.e., something similar to earth.

It is because our planet is slightly widened at the equator and flattened at the poles and its surface is constantly changing due to the continuous motion of tectonic plates and erosion.

So I have to disappoint you, the shape of the earth is pretty different from that of a football or a basketball as you might have imagined. It’s more like a big potato or an oddly shaped orange depending on your fantasy.



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