Why is ENIAC invention important in world's history?

ENIAC stands for 'Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer'. Its cost was whooping $48,700 and used to consume 170,000 watts. To astonish you more, it had 17,480 vacuum tubes inside it. ENIAC contained 20 accumulators spread over 40 racks networked together through plug boards. Data was stored in pulses in 5-foot mercury tubes. Well, you know how many Macs you can get out of it! Apart from all those let's today explore about "Why is ENIAC invention important in world's history?"

It began as a secret World War II military project carried out by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert Jr. But ENIAC, also called 'The Giant Brain', was not completed until after the war. Its importance lies in the fact that it was the world's first general purpose computer. ENIAC was designed and built for the US Army to calculate artillery firing tables and its first programs included a study of the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon. When ENIAC was introduced to the public in 1946, it was hailed as an incredible breakthrough that could compute mathematical problems with breathtaking speed.

The machine's power and general-purpose uses fired the imagination of the world. ENIAC weighed 30 tonnes. The fact that today a single microchip, no bigger than a fingernail, can do more than those 30 tonnes of hardware does not take away from the sense of awe that ENIAC inspired at that time.

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