What makes digital photography a military invention?

The history of the digital camera is much older than most would expect.  With roots going way back into the dark days of the Cold War, a fascinating series of innovations have led to the creation of technology we take for granted in our everyday lives. So "What makes digital photography a military invention?" Let's explore in deep!

 For instance, did you know that the first cell phone photo was shared in 1997 or that the first digital camera prototype was developed as far back at 1975 or that the basic plans that launched the CCD sensor were developed in under one hour in 1969?

The 1960s is the period which is known as the cold war period. American and the Russian were competing against each other to become the world leader, but without any wars or destruction. Military leaders on both sides realized that if a satellite carrying a camera could be launched into space, it could spy on the enemy.

The problem of course, was that films could not be developed in space. To overcome this, digital photography was invented. It does not need any film. They would take photographs and beam them in the form of coded signals back to Earth. The signals were then decoded, and the image could be seen. In time this idea came to be used for taking photographs on Earth as well. 
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