What happens if you consume a human brain?

We might wanna consume tasty food. Isn't it? But what actually happens if you consume a human "brain"? Well I don't know who would want to, but lets explore what actually happens!

     Up to as late as 1960's, the "fore tribe" consumed the dead as a funeral ritual. They stopped it as they started to develop a disease called "KURU" which played with their brains. It is a transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy disease which reduces neurological functions and eats up the gray matter of our brain, leaving it look like a mere sponge.

      You might say its a very serious matter but it actually isn't, as the symptoms for this disease include random burst of laughter, severe headaches in the earlier stages of the disease. But once it starts humans have only a few years to live!

      Eating other parts of the body as not shown any disease developing in one's body. So if any plans of eating a human brain, let's forget and enjoy our delicious foods!

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"Will be back tomorrow with some more interesting facts!"



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