Do rabbits constantly clean their ears?

Rabbits are, on the whole, extremely hygienic critters. They can go into shock when you immerse them in water. Rabbits do a very good job of keeping themselves clean and only need help when they are very sick.
If you watch a rabbit cleaning itself, you will notice that it pays special attention to its ears. Do you know why it does this? It is not cleaning its ear, but it's protecting itself against a disease known as rickets, which is caused by a lack of vitamin D. 

The oil on the outer surface of the rabbit's extra long ears contains a chemical that transforms into vitamin D when there is enough sunlight. And when the rabbits lick their paws after washing behind their ears, they are taking vitamin D. Now isn't that a clever way to stay clean?

Rabbits tend to be extremely serious about grooming themselves. Here's an other way of how they keep themselves clean.... They appreciate feeling clean, and their faces are a big part of that. If your rabbit is hitting his front paws together, he might be doing so as an attempt to clean them. If any debris or bits of food happen to be lingering on your rabbit's paws, hitting them together might be just how he rids himself of them, easy-peasy!

They are very cute creatures...To add up they are very clean and easy to maintain....Aren't they?

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