Why was synthetic rubber developed?

Rubber is one of the most used materials in this world, be it a tyre or shoe sole....!But for most of these uses synthetic rubber is used as the natural ones are expensive than the latter...so the main question is what's the reason synthetic rubber development started....is there any interesting story behind it? Let's explore it!

It all started during World War I, the synthetic rubber was first introduced by Germany, when her enemies succeeded in cutting of Germany's access to Natural Rubber.

However,  it was very expensive to manufacture, and after the war, production was stopped.

During World War II, the United States experienced a rubber shortage.The military needed rubber for numerous reasons during the war, especially for truck, airplane, and jeep tyres. Thus it became important to find a substitute for natural rubber. Due to this, the US funded a huge amount of money for research, into making synthetic rubber cheaper. Synthetic rubber's manufacturing cost declined, and the production on a large scale began.

And from there on, we know what importance it had...! More than half the number of car tyres in the world today are made up of Synthetic rubber.

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