Why did people start using metal as money?

Things have always improved over time, isn't it? One such amazing improvement is the use of metal as money...Let's explore in today's post about "Why did people start using metal as money?"

We know that in ancient times, cattle were often regarded as money. However, cattle could not be carried around easily when you went shopping, or if you wanted to trade. Well, imagine today's life without this improvement to have taken place.

So, Man began to look for a more convenient way of trading. He started to use lumps of metal like iron, silver, or gold as money. Some historians believe that the Chinese started using tiny metal knives and spades as money as early as 1000 BC. The people of Asia Minor(now in turkey), the Greeks, and the Romans also started to use coins made of silver.

By the Middle Ages, coins were stamped by an issuing authority, and made of uniform weights so that their value can be fixed. The use of coins soon became very popular, because they were so convenient. Moreover, since the value of each coin was fixed, trade became easier too.

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