What role does military play in invention of duct tape?

As we all know, duct tapes are those waterproof tapes used for packaging, construction industry etc. But here's an astonishing fact....Military was the main reason for its invention. Let's explore it in today's post!

The story starts going back all the way to the World War II. During this period of time, military badly needed something that would seal their boxes of ammunition so that moisture would not get in. So, in 1942, the company called "Johnson & Johnson" was hired to solve this problem. The company succeed in solving this problem with the help of a fabric called "cotton duck'. This fabric was waterproof ...just like a duck....! So initially it came to be known as "duck tape" which was later replaced by the name "duct tape".

Soldiers made a good use of them. I don't know about now but if not for this solution, life for the soldiers would have been tough back then. The tape is so named "riggers' tape" and "hurricane tape", because it was used during the Vietnam War to repair or balance helicopter rotor blades.

This invention was indeed a great one...Isn't it? Well, we now know whom to credit for this....The Military!

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