What kind of food did the Ancient Romans eat?

Food is something which we can never stay without. Speaking of food, did you ever wonder "What kind of food the Ancient Romans ate?" Let's explore in today's post!

In Rome, meals were centred around corn, oil and wine, and for the wealthy, different types of exotic foods. Cereals were the staple food, and were made into bread or porridge. In fact, bread was the single most often eaten food in Ancient Rome, and was sometimes sweetened with honey or cheese and eaten along with sausage, domestic fowl, eggs, fish or shellfish.

Fish and oysters were especially popular. Meat, particularly pork, was in high demand as well. Delicacies such as snails or dormice were eagerly sought after. Vegetables such as cabbage, onion, garlic, radishes, lentils, beans and beetroots were imported. Fruits and nuts were available as well as variety of strongly flavoured sauces, spices and herbs which were very popular in Roman cuisine.

Grain formed the foundation of poor man's diet. It was not uncommon for grain to be the only thing a poor Roman ever ate. Meals consisted of porridge or bread, with meat and vegetables if available. Breakfast was usually bread and fruit, and lunch was a slight meal. The main mea was taken around sunset, when the day's work was finished.

The poorest citizens were given subsidiary food as well as free corn. This system was introduced by Gaius Grachus, and was very popular. Around 2,00,000 individuals received free grain every ,month, and the cost was borne by the State out of the taxes collected

There were banquets as well. Appetizers like brains cooked with milk and eggs and sow's udders stuffed with sea urchins were popular. The main course might consist of roast parrot, or flamingoes boiled with dates. Desserts included stoned dates stuffed with nuts and fried in honey and hot African sweet wine cakes with honey.

Well, I seriously feel they were really great to have invented such many dishes!

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