How do feathers get their colours?

Birds are beautiful and awesome....What makes us like them so much? Yeah most of you guessed it right! It's their colourful feathers which makes us fall in love with them....Well, at least makes me fall in love with them! So, in today's post lets focus on this...."How do feathers get their colours?"

There are two sources of feather colour - pigments, and the physical structure of the feather. Many feathers are coloured by a combination of these features. Pigments are chemical compounds that absorb certain wavelengths of light while reflecting others. The colours you see are those reflecting, range from crow black to canary yellow, and cardinal red.

Many colours, such as blue, are a result of feather structure. When light hits these feathers, it hits microscopic structures on the feather that acts as prisms to reflecting light. No blue pigment is known in birds.

Shimmering iridescent colours such as those found in peacocks, are caused by special structures, air bubbles, or films on feather surfaces. These modifications interfere with the bending and scattering of light to strengthen some wavelengths, and cancel out others.

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