How did the Egyptians build the pyramids?

Pyramids are really wonderful. Even the tall pyramids of height 144 m were built but the most astonishing fact is that, with lack of technology they somehow managed to build it. It does sound tough....doesn't it? So, How did they actually build it? Let's explore about it in today's post.

The pyramids stood tall and strong with the test of time. These were built of limestone and granite. These blocks of stones which were used to build, were up to 15 tonnes in weight.  It is said that about a lakh slaves laboured for 20 years to build the Great Pyramid that houses the mummy of Pharaoh Khufu.

However, they worked only for 3 months in a year, when the Nile flooded it banks. Then, the granite was brought from Aswan which was a city on the Nile River, that has been southern Egypt’s strategic and commercial gateway since antiquity..., and then floated downstream to a specially built jetty (landing space) at the site of the pyramid. After this, stones were dragged up the big, long, sloping ramps and fitted into place. 

To move the stones overland, the Egyptians would have used large sledges that could be pushed or pulled by gangs of workers. The sand in front of the sledge was likely dampened with water, something that reduced friction, making it easier to move the sledge.It turned out that wetting Egyptian desert sand reduced the friction by at-least quite a bit, which implied that only half of the people were required to pull a sledge on wet sand, compared to dry sand.

They were really amazing...weren't they? Let's keep learning new, everyday. Do come back tomorrow!

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