Did Thomas Edison really invent "light bulb?"

We learned in our school books that Edison invented it, right? Now what if I say it was just a lie! It wasn't this great scientist who invented it.

Edison didn't invent, but rather, he improved upon a 50 year old idea. Henry Woodward of Toronto, along with Mathew Evans, patented a light bulb in 1875. Unfortunately, these two entrepreneurs could not raise the finance to commercialize their invention.

The enterprising American,Thomas Edison, who had been working on the same idea, bought the rights of their patent. He had the the banking of a syndicate of industrial with $50,000 to invest.

Using lower current, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, Edison successfully demonstrated the light bulb in 1879, and made history.

Sir Joseph Swan of England and Edison both invented the first electric incandescent lamps around the 1870's.

So, next time your teacher or anyone says Edison invented it...Raise up and tell the original story!

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