what would happen if all the ice melted on Earth?


Think of this : We have only 3% of freshwater on Earth, and about 70% of that is frozen. Well, that sums up to about
30 million cubic km of ice. To be more clear, it would completely cover North America. But what if one day all of the ice melted?

Ice on Earth comes in form of glaciers, ice sheets, permafrost and snow. In Arctic, as it is largely made up of ocean, ice there mainly takes the form of floating blocks such a massive icebergs. And being in direct contact with the warming waters of the ocean, sea ice will be the first form of frozen waters to disappear. 

As a result of this, the sea route from Europe to Russia will be clear, as there'd be no ice left in the North Pole to block the route. This fact would be taken as an advantage by the companies and they'll begin to search for new spots to extract oil easily. This shall well not turn good, because all the seals, walruses, and polar bears that happily call north pole its home, would no longer even exist.

95% of the ice on earth is land based, so it shall be disastrous for us. The sea levels of course would raise by, say by 60m. Note that more than 45% of world's citizens live on sea coats. It will also cost trillions of dollars loss! 

Most of the sun rays are reflected back by the ice, and if all they all melted, who would take up its duty? Temperature would be pretty scary to even imagine. What about the food crops? How on earth will they produce it?!

The first best chance to protect our earth was 10 years ago, second best is now....So, let's be wise and at least for our sake protect our mother nature before the above situation can take place.

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