What If the Sun Were Half as Big?

We all have been taught in our lower grades that earth is neither too far nor too near, making life possible on earth. Isn't it?

"What if the Sun were half as big?" I wouldn't have even been able to write this post nor would you all have been able to read this, because probably we wouldn't have even been alive!. Because if sun was half its size, the "habitable zone" would have been tighter. The habitable zone would have been closer to the sun.The water would have frozen on our planet due to the availability of less heat. Conversely, the planets closer would have no water at all because of excessive heat. In such freezing temperatures, the plants or life wouldn't have existed. The gravitation pull would have been less increasing the size of our orbit.

The gas giants, which are much farther from the sun, might have drift out of our solar system entirely. No Saturn, No Uranus, No Neptune and No Jupiter ( given the fact that it protects us from stray comets and asteroids, this would be a bad thing on top of other really bad things)- travelling at such velocities, they are simply too massive to be retained by such a paltry Sun.

But even if life existed, plants, for example would have look black to our eyessoaking up as much light as possible from their dim read star to power photosynthesis.

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"Lets be happy with what we have got and lets not complain much"
  "Will be back tomorrow with some more interesting facts!


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